Response Manager

The Response Division is responsible for disaster management operations whenever Missouri is affected by an emergency or disaster that may be beyond the capabilities of local governments and includes the Statewide Regional Coordinators, Readiness, and Logistics and Resources sections. Once a state of emergency (SOE) has been declared by the Governor, the Response Branch opens the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) and coordinates disaster response with local governments, state agencies, faith-based and volunteer agencies, private sector partners and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). During major disasters, the SEOC includes representatives from state agencies, the Missouri National Guard, faith-based and volunteer organizations and other partners to better coordinate the emergency response. The branch also develops emergency operations procedures for state and local governments, and assists local governments in the development of emergency response capabilities.

Response Sections

Statewide Regional Coordinators

SEMA’s Regional Coordinators are the state's liaisons to local jurisdictions for emergency management activities. They assist local jurisdictions in all aspects of emergency management, including emergency operations plan development and revision, training and exercises. The state of Missouri is divided into nine regions, A-I, which correspond with the Missouri State Highway Patrol troops. The nine regional coordinators provide assistance to Missouri’s 114 counties and their associated jurisdictions, and the independent City of St. Louis. RC Map and contacts.

Readiness Section

The Readiness Section is responsible for developing comprehensive emergency operations plans and procedures for state and local governments. The section also assists local governments in developing and improving their emergency response capabilities and includes the SEMA Watch Center and is SEMA’s WebEOC contact.

Logistics and Resources Section

The Logistics and Resources Section focuses on coordinating the delivery of key emergency life-saving and life-sustaining equipment, the provision of essential services and critical supplies to disaster areas. These supplies may include generators, pumps and other flood fighting materials, technical assistance teams, food, water, ice, and any temporary facilities that may be required. Logistics and Resources, along with the Missouri Public/Private Partnership (MOP3), also co-manages the Missouri Business Emergency Operation Center (BEOC). The BEOC provides for the exchange of situational awareness to the business community. The Field Services Section oversees SEMA’s Area Coordinators, who are the state’s liaisons to local jurisdictions for emergency management activities.

Logistics Program

The Logistics Program is responsible for disaster logistics planning, training, preparedness, response and recovery operations. The program helps maintain the Disaster Logistics & Resources Plan; helps provide logistics training and exercises; assists in the planning, training, coordination and management of SEMA’s Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) actions and activities; plans and coordinates with the Missouri National Guard, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and other Department of Defense organizations for military logistics support actions and activities in support of civil authorities during disasters.

Resources Program

The Resources Program is responsible for disaster resources planning, training, preparedness, response and recovery operations. The program works to enhance state and private vendor response to disasters while improving accountability and transparency. The program’s strategy is to enhance overall preparedness in Missouri by enhancing cooperation with the private sector, public entities and the volunteer community. The program helps maintain the Disaster Logistics & Resources Plan; coordinates actions associated with developing State Logistics Staging Areas (SLSAs) for response personnel and equipment; Points of Distribution (SPODs) for generators, heavy equipment, fuel, etc;.; provides disaster resources training and exercises; coordinates the activities of the External Resource Acquisition Cell (ERAC) of the SEMA/MOP3 Business Emergency Operations Center (BEOC) and oversees maintenance of SEMA’s Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP) accreditation.