CFM® Exam Preparation

The CFM® exam tests the examinee’s knowledge of a National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)-participating community’s responsibilities under the NFIP and related floodplain management topics. The Certification Board of Regents (CBOR) recommends that CFM® exam takers have, at a minimum: At least two years of full-time floodplain management experience; OR a degree in a related field; OR completion of the four-day 0273 Managing Floodplain Development through the NFIP course prior to taking the exam. Exam takers should not expect to have all of the necessary knowledge needed to pass the exam by meeting only the minimum prerequisites, so CBOR provides a CFM® Exam Study Guide to help in preparation.

* CFM® is a registered trademark and is available only to individuals certified and in good standing under the ASFPM Certified Floodplain Manager program.