May 30, 2017

SEMA Flood Recovery Update Brief – Tuesday, May 30

Going on today:

  • 1,800 eligible children in Carter and Ripley counties will receive a $90 summer food benefit because the Department of Social Services (DSS) received USDA approval to extend a special food stamp program to the flood-impacted counties.
    • If you receive food stamps and lost food due to the recent flooding, Wednesday, May 31, is the last day to call 1-855-373-4636 to replace your food stamp benefits.
  • According to the Department of Economic Development, the Missouri Housing Development Commission has released a total of $77,750 in disaster assistance funding.
    • Together, community action agencies have provided flood assistance to 69 households and are assessing another 124 households for assistance.
    • A list of community action agency services can be downloaded here.
  • Visit for more flood recovery resources. The site is updated daily.
  • United Way 211 is the go-to source for 24/7 assistance with unmet flood recovery needs. Call 2-1-1 for assistance or contact 211 online at 

Missouri Recovery Photo of the Day
A team from @TeamRubicon, a disaster recovery volunteer group of mostly veterans and first responders, worked in Eureka for 30 days assisting with flood recovery and sleeping in a church basement. About 98 team members rotated through for one-week shifts, with the last group heading back to their homes around the country on Memorial Day.


For more information, call 573-751-5432 or e-mail