The Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program provides resources to the State Emergency Management Agency and local government emergency management agencies, for the sustainment and enhancement of all-hazard emergency management capabilities. An all hazards approach to emergency response, including the development of a comprehensive program of planning, training, and exercises, means there can be an effective and consistent response to disasters and emergencies, regardless of the cause. It involves building long-term strategic relationships within the emergency management community to ensure that the program meets the needs of Missourians during disasters.

The EMPG financial assistance program provides reimbursement up to 50 percent of allowable costs. To meet the 50 percent matching requirement, a local jurisdiction’s contributions must be reasonable, allowable and necessary under the grant program, and must comply with all federal requirements and regulations.

Effective January 1, 2019, reimbursement for training costs such as lodging increased from 50 miles to 75 miles.

2024 Emergency Management Performance Grant

2023 Emergency Management Performance Grant

EMPG Tutorial – How to Submit a Claim

EMPG Tutorial – How to Submit a Status Report