June 26, 2017

SEMA Flood Recovery Update Brief – Monday, June 26

  • Two new Disaster Recovery Centers opened Monday, June 26, in Shannon and Stone counties, and three new DRCs open Tuesday, June 27, in Reynolds, Osage and Pulaski counties. DRCs offer in-person assistance to flood survivors from FEMA and Small Business Administration (SBA). The schedule is changing almost daily now, so check for a recovery center location in your area.
    • Flood survivors who still have  unmet needs are encouraged to call United Way 211 for information and support—whether financial, domestic, health or disaster-related. 2-1-1 is a free, confidential referral and information helpline and website that connects people from all communities and of all ages with local organizations that can provide critical health and human services. If you have already called 211 for recovery assistance, you still need to register separately with FEMA. Call 2-1-1 for assistance or contact 211 online at
  • FEMA has completed inspections on more than 95 percent of Missouri homes of disaster survivors who have registered for assistance. The home inspections are conducted to verify and assess damage listed in federal disaster assistance applications.
  • Beginning July 17, 2017, all private water samples received at the Missouri State Public Health Laboratory for bacteriological testing will require the normal $10 handling fee. The fee was waved to assist Missouri residents who were affected by flooding. More information is available here.

Missouri Recovery Photo of the Day
Seventeen-year-old Will Coyne, of Operation Breakfast, at his grill in Van Buren, Mo. Coyne, who will be a high school senior in Massachusetts in the fall, began Operation Breakfast with his father, Todd, to serve breakfast in disaster areas. The father and son team has been in Missouri since June 20. They have also served meals to disaster survivors in West Plains.


For more information, call 573-751-5432 or e-mail