• Local Emergency Operations Plan Planning Documents (LEOP)
    For LEOP templates, please email SEMA Deputy Preparedness Division Manager Jessica Sexton.

  • 2018 Continuity Guidance Circular (CGC)
    This Continuity Guidance Circular details the fundamental theories and concepts to unify the application of continuity principles, planning, and programs across the Nation. It provides guidance on the integration of continuity concepts, provides a common foundation for understanding continuity, and guides the development of other tools and resources.

  • Stemming the Tide
    A publication exploring Missouri's Flood Mitigation program and its many successes.

  • 2023 Enhanced MO State Hazard Mitigation Plan (current version expires July 19, 2028)
    The Missouri State Hazard Mitigation Plan contains an analysis of Missouri's hazards, risks and vulnerabilities, describes the manner in which mitigation is planned, programmed, and carried out, and establishes SEMA's hazard mitigation goals, objectives, and initiatives that will reduce injuries, damages and loss of life caused by disasters.

  • A collection of documents to provide all-hazards emergency planning guidance to schools.
  • Continuity Plan Template And Instructions For Non-Federal Entities
    This template provides instructions, guidance, and sample text for the development of continuity plans and programs in accordance with the Continuity Guidance Circular (CGC). The guidance in this template is designed for non-federal entities, and may be useful for all levels of state, local, territorial, and tribal governments, the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and community-based organizations.
  • Pandemic Influenza Coop Annex Template
    This guide provides instructions for developing a Pandemic Influenza Continuity of Operations (COOP) Annex based on the Pandemic Influenza Continuity of Operations (COOP) Guidance Memorandum.

  • Nuclear Power Plant Agricultural Information
    This document contains information for farmers, food processors, and distributors on the probable and potential effects of radiation on their operations. It is intended to help the agricultural community better understand the effects of radioactive contamination on plants, soil, water, and animals, and the basic needs and care of animals should a radiological accident occur.