April 18, 2023

Small Business Administration Approves Governor Parson's Request for Disaster Assistance in Response to April 5 Tornado and Severe Storms

Today, Governor Mike Parson announced the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has approved his request for a disaster declaration in response to the April 5 severe storms and EF-2 tornado that caused extensive damage in Bollinger County and surrounding areas.  

“As we saw during the damage assessments and at the multi-agency resource center last week, there is a tremendous need to support the families and businesses impacted by this disaster,” Governor Parson said. “We appreciate SBA acting quickly to approve our request and assist Missourians during the recovery process. We will continue working with SBA, our state and local partners, and the many volunteer organizations already working hard to help.”

SBA approval of Governor Parson’s request makes qualifying homeowners, renters, businesses and non-profits in Bollinger County as well as Cape Girardeau, Madison, Perry, Stoddard, and Wayne counties eligible for low-interest disaster loans to help with rebuilding and recovery costs.

Continue reading the news release from Governor Parson's office here


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